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Welcome to Alpacas of Norway in Hornindal

Breeding and fiber production of and with happy animals

Would alpaca farming interest you?

Alpacas of Norway is one of the first alpaca breeders in Norway and has extensive experience in farming and breeding. Our award-winning fiber production is world-class. We want to increase interest in alpaca farming in Norway and will be happy to help you with advice on starting up and keeping these amazing animals.

We work actively to ensure that more people get an eye out for these beautiful animals and the opportunities that come from investing in alpaca farming. Feel free to get in touch for a pleasant alpaca chat.

Noe for deg?

Step by step, we help you realize your dream.

First import of alpaca from Chile in 2005!

On 1 January 2005, we imported the first 15 alpacas to Norway. It has been an interesting few years and a fantastic development. Throughout these years, we have imported alpacas from Australia, New Zealand, Chile and England. A total of over 100 alpacas, most of which have been sold on to others who wanted to invest in alpaca farming.


This is why we beleive in alpaca farming

We breed alpaca because it produces the world's finest wool/fibre. The aim going forward is to get the alpaca to produce a larger amount of high-quality fibre.
Maybe we can see alpaca that produces 10 kg of high-quality fiber each year in the future!

Our planet has gradually become quite stressed and the focus on utilization of resources and their sustainability will become more and more important. Of the approximately 70 billion kilos of fabric/fibre produced each year for clothing, only 1.8 (2%) is natural fibre. The rest is oil-based fiber approx. 60% and in addition cotton approx. 40%. Therefore, the potential is enormous.

Factors such as the consumption of CO2 in the production of fiber and proximity to the market are becoming increasingly important. For allergy sufferers, alpaca fiber is perfect.

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